October 22, 2023 | Daniel: Will you risk it all?

Series Overview:

God stands tall through the entire book of Daniel with His grand plan for an unimaginable, but truly wonderful future victorious kingdom. God is on a mission and raised up Daniel who believed Him! His life and the lives of his friends lived radically counter-cultural, seeking the Lord which moved them to wisely focus on the important things, the essential things, and leaving the temporary pleasures and promises of this world behind. Though ultimately given great earthly privilege and position, faith and God’s ways have its own rewards. In a world of pain, suffering, and confusion, Daniel modeled what it means to follow the Lord in His perfect plan. So today, the cost of following Jesus is high, but God will vindicate His people. This book encourages us to persevere in the Lord’s plan as the best way to the best world.

Weekly Overview: 

Nebuchadnezzar’s Image of Gold and the Fiery Furnace reveals that God’s people are always safest when living in the convictions of God and His Word. The world and sadly many in the church too easily set the agenda. Rather, let God set the agenda and then take whatever comes your way. Daniel’s friends determined clearly the priority and were fine with the results. Can we do the same and “risk” all that we have (even life) to follow the One who is life?

Today’s Text | Daniel 3:1-30

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