Young at Heart


Young at Heart is the Senior Ministry of FVC. We are the Christ Centered Revolution ​of Transformation among men and women 55+ who gather for fun, fellowship and ​service in “declaring His power to the next generation. ” (Psalm 71:18)

Young at Heart Events

June 1, 4 – 8 PM
Picnic at the Pavillion in Del Webb, Huntley

July 10, 9 - 11:30 AM
Feed my Starving Children in Schaumburg and lunch to follow at Chick-Fil-A

Aug. 6, 10:30 – 3 PM
Christian concert (Imperials Quartet) and lunch buffet at the Fireside Dinner Theater in WI

Sept. 27, 5:30 – 9 PM
“Who dunnit?’ Dinner Theater at Fox Valley Church

Nov. 2, 4 – 7:30 PM
“Because of My Son,” A one-woman play depicting Mary, the mother of Jesus, from the angel’s visit through the crucifixion. Followed by a dessert reception.

Dec. 7, 12:30 – 3:30
Christmas luncheon

Watch the app for more details!

Ministry Leaders

Reach out to Fred and Carole directly at

Fred and Carole Dryden

Young at Heart Ministry Leaders