January 28, 2024 | Who is Fox Valley Church?: How are we going to get there?

Series Overview:

Who is Fox Valley Church?
Every church has its own DNA. Even if a church shares a similar vision and mission, because a church is people, each spiritual community takes on a flavor of its own. It is well known that as the church leaders go, so goes the church. So influential are the leadership shepherds, the sheep often follow in their steps. It is important to know the leaders and where the church is headed. This series is designed to bring our body into a greater understanding of who FVC is, where we are going as a church, and how we want to move forward.

Weekly Overview:

The question this week is “How are we going to get there?” As the rich young ruler inquired about eternal life, it was not merely about “heaven” or what happens after we die. He wanted to know how we find real and meaningful life today that folds into an eternal dimension. There is a way to follow Jesus that will cost each of us greatly but can only be had through the miraculous work of God in our lives. Just as the man turned to the Sage Jesus, he did not like the direction Jesus was going nor the way Jesus wanted people to go. However, as we have said so often there is no greater life on this side of heaven than to surrender all of our time, treasure, talents, hopes, and dreams (this sounds a lot like Peter said, “We have left everything”) for the plans and purposes of Jesus Christ. [Note: we will return to the 1-1-1 towards full surrender and add our three questions, “Do you want to follow Christ?” “Do you want to grow?” and “Will you surrender to Jesus Christ?”]

Today’s Text | Luke 18:18-29

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