June 9, 2024 | Ecclesiastes: God’s Plan Brings Meaning

Series Overview:

Although life can seem empty, God’s enduring plan brings meaning to our lives.

We will begin by setting up the context of Ecclesiastes (wisdom literature, authorship)
and touch on how we all long to live meaningful, significant lives. God created the earth and
called it “very good” (Gen. 1:31) but our sin tainted it (Gen. 3:16-19) and brought intense
struggle. All is meaningless (hebel) says the Teacher (Ecc. 1:2). Hebel is a Hebrew word meaning “vapor/smoke.” It is used nearly 40x in Ecclesiastes and is a major theme of the book to describe our experience under the sun (what we observe on Earth). Like smoke, life is confusing and uncontrollable. Just when we think we can understand it, events happen that don’t add up (sickness, death, void, etc.) We search for meaning and purpose but are left feeling empty and confused. We seek out wisdom (define) to better understand life, all to discover that morewisdom equals more sorrow because we see the brokenness of our world (Ecc. 1:18). We try to understand God’s plan (Ecc. 3:11) but are left unable to comprehend His ways (Isa. 55:9, Ecc. 8:17). Our longing to live a meaningful life is good and from God but we seek to control and
understand more than God intends. Trust in God and know that everything has meaning as we
will all give an account to Him one day (Ecc. 3:15). Discover that life is full of joyful moments and gifts from God (Ecc. 3:12-13) if we have eyes to see.
Close: Something about trusting in God, will be a lower or mid-level energy close

AT SURPASSES KNOWLEDGE – that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.


Today’s Text | Ecclesiastes 1:1-3

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