October 29, 2023 | Daniel: Humiliation & Hope

Series Overview:

God stands tall through the entire book of Daniel with His grand plan for an unimaginable, but truly wonderful future victorious kingdom. God is on a mission and raised up Daniel who believed Him! His life and the lives of his friends lived radically counter-cultural, seeking the Lord which moved them to wisely focus on the important things, the essential things, and leaving the temporary pleasures and promises of this world behind. Though ultimately given great earthly privilege and position, faith and God’s ways have its own rewards. In a world of pain, suffering, and confusion, Daniel modeled what it means to follow the Lord in His perfect plan. So today, the cost of following Jesus is high, but God will vindicate His people. This book encourages us to persevere in the Lord’s plan as the best way to the best world.

Weekly Overview: 

Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream of a Great Tree and Humiliation shows how this world is filled with ego, pride, self-centeredness, and self-focus, and one day, all of this will be finally and forever overthrown by Jesus when He comes as King and Judge. God moves in wonderful ways to disclose his hope and promise for the world which shows great, victorious plans for his people.

Daniel: Me-Ism Exposed

Belshazzar’s Feast and the Handwriting on the Wall confronts the “me-ism” of our day and exalts the sovereign work of God as He graces all nations and individuals (18, 19). Those who humble themselves will taste of the goodness of God and those who resist will see the wrath and fury of a Holy God. The self-focus, self-centeredness, selfishness, self-regard, etc. all point to an empty life devoid of meaning and purpose. It is only when we give our lives for others in a cause greater than this present world that we find substantial meaning and real fulfillment.

Today’s Text | Daniel 4:1-37

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